Our guest this week is Jon Contino. Jon is a very talented branding consultant, creative director and a monster of a design force. In this episode, we discuss Jon's process and his background, his new custom lettering workshop, the challenges of balancing design life with family life, how New York has influenced his designs, and more.
Our guest this week is Jon Contino. Jon is a very talented branding consultant, creative director and a monster of a design force, creating custom lettering and illustrations for brands like ESPN, Nike, Stephen King, Flip Skateboards, Jack Daniels, and more. He also produces his own clothing and goods, JC NYC.
In this episode, we discuss his process and his background, his custom lettering workshop, the challenges of balancing design life with family life, how New York has influenced his designs, and more.
“Everyone wants to be known for something. Step one is really caring about what you're doing.” - Jon Contino
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